-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Riiak Shi Nal's Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 Deck Builder v1.4.0.0 ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first Deck Builder for DotP 2014 and it will ask for the DotP 2014 game directory from which it will load most of the resources it will use. It allows the user to build a deck from any cards they currently have installed and helps them in building images for the deck, preview cards, and AI Personality images as necessary. It will also attempt to prevent users from re- using deck uids and other little annoyances that can prevent one thing or another from working. I, Riiak Shi Nal, have tried to make this work as simply as possible while still retaining a lot of the power that is given to modders. There are some things that work a bit differently than you might expect and there are items that have some nice little features that you may not notice at first. I will try to cover those things in this document. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Main Features - Requirements - Getting Started - Adding Cards - Removing Cards - Saving - Exporting - Exporting Images - Id Schemes - Building images - Card, Deck, and Unlock Views - Deck Statistics - Land Config - Bias & Promo Statuses - Regular Unlocks - Promo Unlocks - Advanced Filtering - Tools: Custom Data Folder & Creating a Core Wad - Multi-Column Sorting - Notes - Planned Enhancements - Considered Features - Known Issues - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Credits & Thanks - Change History - Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Features: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Does not require wads to be extracted/imported to use resources from them. Automatically uses all available game resources (cards, decks, unlocks, images, personalities, etc...) from the game directory you point it to. - Automatically calculates deck colour (or lack thereof). - Will assist the user in building appropriate images for deck boxes and AI personalities. - Program itself is localizable (translations need to be finished though) so you can use the program in your selected language. - Supports TDX compression of generated images. - Will automatically create Land Pool XMLs based on the colours of the deck. - Can create Deck Wads as either a packed WAD file or a specially set up directory complete with headers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - .Net 4.0 Framework - This is the framework version that I compiled using. - Modified Gibbed Tools (version r6_b10 modified, included) - I reference the gibbed tools libraries for parsing wads and tdx images. I do not use the executables as I have created class wrappers that allow me to do the work I need to do in code rather than from the command line. Source code from the executables was used rather heavily in the development of the wrappers. Gibbed Tools Squish and FileFormats have to be my modified versions for the compression of TDX images, the reason I can't just fall back on the original versions is because I specifically reference functions I added to make the compression features work. Source code for the modified versions can be found here: http://www.slightlymagic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=99&t=10463 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Started: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you first open the Deck Builder for the first time it will state that the game directory has not been set and needs to be set to continue. Clicking "OK" will bring up the "Options" window where you can either enter or select a working game directory where the builder will load most of its resources from. In this screen it is also highly recommended that you change the Id Scheme options to help prevent unique id collisions with other modders (more on Id Schemes later in this document). Also if your native language is not English you can also change the language that this program will run in. Due note however that since I only know English (and a little Japanese) that the only localization I have been able to fully fill out is the English localization. Once you have specified the game directory and clicked "Apply" the builder will load all the wads (and "wad directories") from the game directory and populate the card list at the bottom of the screen. To keep things simple you can simply double-click on a card and it will add it to either the deck or one of the unlocks as per which radio button is selected above the card list. You can edit the deck name (in all supported languages) by clicking the "Edit Name" button above the deck cards list. Much of the rest of the deck info can be edited and/or managed by clicking the "Deck Information" button below the deck cards list. This includes the deck's availability, which card to make the preview images from, the deck's uid (which will be modified by the Id Scheme), deck statistics, land configuration, and building of the deck box image. You can also save and open deck's using the file menu. If you are looking at the file menu you will also notice an option for creating a deck from an existing deck. This means that you can select one of the deck's that you already have installed to work from as a base. Note that creating a deck from one you already have installed is NOT the same as editing a deck. This builder does not support deck "editing" only "building" (creating new decks). There are several reasons for this such as the problems inherent with users changing base game wads and the chance that a user will overwrite something they shouldn't. Once you are finished editing your deck you can "Export" the deck using the file menu's "Export To" menu. You have two options for exporting you can export as a directory (which the game will read from like a wad if a wad with the same name is not present) or as a wad (which will package up all the files generated in a single compressed wad file). Once generation is complete you will have both the generated wad (or directory) and a fairly generic readme file for your deck. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding Cards: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can easily add cards by either hitting "Enter" while you have a card highlighted in the main card list or by "Double-Clicking" the card you want to add. If you are adding cards to the main deck and you add a single card more than once it will simply increment the quantity of that card that you have in the main deck. This does not apply if you have given a card in the deck a special status such as Bias or Promo status. When a card is added it is added at a Bias of 1 and no Promo status so if there is a card in the deck with a Bias of 2 or 3, or you have given that card Promo status then you add another copy of that card from the main card list, the added card will show up in your list as a separate instance with a Bias of 1 and no Promo status. For the unlocks each card will always have a quantity of 1 because each unlock needs to be a single card and you may want to stagger a few copies of a card throughout the unlock list which can only really be done if all the cards have a quantity of 1. This builder does not put limits on the total number of cards that can be added to a deck and its unlocks (except for Promo unlocks which has a max number of ten cards). This does mean that you could design a deck that has hundreds of cards in it, but it probably won't work properly in game. The game uses a single byte for the deckOrderId and for keeping track of whether a card is in the deck or not. Practically this means that deckOrderIds of 0 through 127 are available for use (128 card max) and this limit applies to the total number of cards a deck has including the unlocks. While the max card limit for decks to be used in game is 128 cards the game itself is optimized for a 60 card deck and up to about 40 total unlocks (100 total cards) including the basic land in the main deck. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Removing Cards: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To remove cards from the deck or from the unlocks make sure the card you want to remove is highlighted, the focus is on that listing and hit delete on the keyboard ("Del" key). you can also right-click the card you want to remove and select "Remove Card". Note: You can't remove cards from the main card list (this program does not support changing existing wads). If you simply want to filter which cards are shown in the main card list then use the "Set Filters" button and select which filters you want to use. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saving: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saving operates a bit differently than you might expect. It will save out the deck, but the file generated when you save is not meant to be used by the game. It contains extra information so that the Deck Builder does not need to manage multiple linked files. For example all saved decks will also include the land pool in a tag inside the deck. All unlocks, strings, and images generated will also be included inside the deck. If you want to generate files that are appropriate for the game to use then you need to "Export" the deck. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exporting: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you export a deck it will automatically name the output wad (or directory) based on the final deck uid and the English name of the deck codified to be file system friendly. So if you name your deck "My First Deck" and you are using the default Id Scheme with an id of 0 then the name or your exported wad will be "DATA_DECKS_100000_MY_FIRST_DECK.wad". This is done this way for a few reasons: - Mods must start with either "DATA_DECKS_" or "DATA_DLC_" (case insensitive) to be recognized. - Putting the Deck's uid in the wad name makes figuring out the uid of the deck inside very easy (this can help if looking for UID conflicts). - Having the Deck name in the filename makes managing custom decks easier for the user because the name they see in game relates to the one they see on the wad. Now there may be some differences for this due to language localizations, but this is a good compromise. The exported wad (or directory) will automatically be put into the game directory so that it is ready to use. Also by having it in the game directory it will also be loaded into the builder as an existing deck the next time the builder is run. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exporting Images: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can export images by right-clicking them and selecting "Export Image" and choosing either PNG or TDX as the format to export as. Images will be exported as you see them there will be no further processing before export (except to compress when saving to TDX). The card preview you see in the main window (and view card window) without border will compress to DXT1 format when saving to TDX, all other images will compress to DXT5 when saving to TDX. If you choose to "Export Card Previews" it will ask you to specify the save location and filename for just the English preview image, it will take your response and use that to determine where to save and how to name the other localizations of the preview image. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Id Schemes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Id Schemes are something I came up with to ease making sure all deck, land pool, and unlock ids are unique and don't conflict with other decks. There are three possible scheme types that can be used. You can see previews of the ids that will be generated by a scheme in the options window. Id Blocks are a new feature to Id Schemes that should make changing the Id Scheme settings easier. If you elect to use Id Blocks (true by default) then you can select all four of the Change Ids (Deck, Land Pool, Regular, and Promo Unlocks) by changing just the Id Block number. This should also help users to choose unique blocks more quickly. Before you choose a block you should check out the Prefix/Id Registry to make sure you choose one that will be unique to you. Prefix/Id Registry: http://www.slightlymagic.net/wiki/DotP_2014:_Prefix/Id_Registry Additive Schemes - These schemes simply add a number to each of the ids to get the next successive id. A simple example would be that your for your deck you choose id 1. The land pool may then have id 2, regular unlocks id 3, and promo unlocks could get id 4. This is a very simplistic scheme, easy to understand and use. Prefix Schemes - These are my preferred schemes. A prefix scheme puts a pre- specified prefix in front of the various ids allowing for very unique ids in a single large numeric block. This is a well recognized scheme type that several modders use. The default scheme uses a modification on the scheme used by thefiremind except I place it in the 1000 block instead of his 1999 block. If you use this scheme type I highly recommend changing it to put it into a block unique to you. Using the default scheme (prefix type) if you give a deck id 0 when exported it will export with an id of 100001, the land pool will be 1000101, any regular unlocks will have the id 1000201 and promo unlocks will get the id 1000301. Suffix Schemes - These are similar to Prefix schemes except they append the block to the end of the number instead of to the beginning. Though it should be noted that leading zeros are dropped (because that is how the game reads them anyway) so if have a deck id of 0 and a deck suffix of 1000 when you export you will get an id of 1000, not 01000. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building images: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you start working with images either for the deck box or for the AI Personality you will have three options. You can use the current image if any. Load an image (you will get an open dialog window when you select this option) which will allow you to select an image you have already crafted for this purpose. Or you can build an image which will give you an open dialog much like loading an image, but it will mask and overlay the image as necessary to create a composited image suitable for use. When you are building images you can adjust the image being masked by changing the location and size numbers near the image or you can pan the image by left- clicking and drag the mouse on the image. You can also zoom in and out by rotating the mouse wheel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Card, Deck, and Unlock Views: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On each of the Card, Deck, and Unlock views you can right click to get a context menu that will allow you to hide (or unhide) the columns that are visible for that view. Additionally on any view that has card information a "View Card" option will appear on the context menu which will give you a view of the current localized card image and a complete listing of that card's XML. You can also query which decks if any are using a specific card by using the "Decks Used In" option. The program checks cards used in decks by filename so if a card is present in more than one wad with the same filename it will locate all decks that use that card's filename and not just those decks related to that wad. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deck Statistics: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The deck statistics you choose in the deck information screen (Size, Speed, Flexibility, and Synergy) are for choosing what displays for those lines in the deck manager in game. While the game uses a 5 star system the decks themselves use numbers from 0 to 10 and "?". The question mark is allowed internally by the program, but is not user selectable mainly because it shows up as 5 stars in game just like the numeric value 10. Whole stars are given for each even number so a value of 2 is 1 star, 4 is 2 stars, 6 is 3 stars, etc.... If you select an odd number the game will display the appropriate number of whole stars, plus a half star. So if you select 5 (the default for all statistics) it will show as 2 and a half stars in game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Land Config: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Land configurations are for the fine tuning of the land distributions for decks. If everything is left at defaults (Ignore CMC Over at -1, everything else at 0) then the LandConfig tag will not be generated and the game will use its standard method of determining what basic land to put in the deck. The Minimum Land options are for determining the minimum number of that specific land to add to the deck if it will remain at 60 cards or less. If you have a deck with 50 non-land cards and you specify 10 forests and 12 swamps then you will not get that much land in game as those settings would put the deck over 60 cards. The game will only add basic lands up to 60 cards, so these options are more for fine-tuning ratios that the game will assign rather than the rule the game will follow. If you want to specify the exact land config the game will use (again following the 60 card rule regarding lands explained in the paragraph above) then you can set Ignore CMC Over to 0 and Number of Spells that Count as Land to 0 (this is important as the game will subtract this number from your min land config) and set the minimum land options to the number of lands you want. Remember the game will only add basic lands until you reach a total of 60 cards in the deck if it reaches 60 cards before it has finished adding the land from your land config then it will simply stop adding basic lands short of your config. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bias & Promo Statuses: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bias is related to the shuffling of the AI's deck and the user's selected difficulty level. If a card is given a bias of greater than 1 then it will be shuffled towards the bottom of the deck when the AI is using the deck if the selected difficulty level is LESS than the set bias level. A Bias of 2 will shuffle that card towards the bottom of the deck if the difficulty level is set to "Mage". A Bias of 3 will shuffle the card towards the bottom of the deck if the difficulty level is set to either "Mage" or "Archmage". A difficulty of "Planeswalker" will ignore any biased shuffling. Promo status can be set on a card by card basis and controls whether that individual card is shown as a foil card with the "Promotion" set mark. Bias and Promo statuses can be set at the same time and appear to work as expected in game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Unlocks: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the normal type of unlocks that you see in game. If you do not have the promo codes entered these are the only unlocks that you will see in game. This operates in an easier fashion than it did in DotP 2013 because the AppId linking information is now stored in the deck itself and the deck builder automatically puts in the AppId for the base game to have the unlocks, unlocked by default. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Promo Unlocks: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These unlocks can be unlocked in game by typing in the 10 promo unlock codes which will unlock a single card from the promo unlocks of every deck that is installed. There is a limit of 10 cards that can be unlocked this way though, so once the promo unlocks have 10 cards in them you will be unable to add any more to that type of unlock. The deck builder will automatically switch to putting the added cards into the regular unlocks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced Filtering: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced filtering will allow you to choose which filters specifically you want to use for filtering the cards in the master list. The filters are shown using a heirarchical tree view with the root item always being a Filter Set. All other filters can be added, replaced, and moved (via drag-and-drop) to get the exact combination of filters that you want. Of the filters available for you to choose from and use there are Filter Sets, Boolean Filters, Integer Filters, String Filters, Enum Filters, and Power & Toughness Filters. All filters have a Next Filter comparison option that is uses Boolean Logic (And/Or). If you choose "And" then both filters must be true for the card to be allowed. With "Or" if either one of the two filters is true then the card will be allowed. Filters are processed sequentially with no short-circuiting of the logic. This means that it will process the first filter then "And" or "Or" the result with the next filter in line until it reaches the final filter. This also means that if you have several filters "And"ed together that even if the first filter returns false it will still test all the other filters. Filter Sets: These provide no filtering by themselves, but can be used to group other filters for more fine-tuning. Sets are great for grouping of conditions such as you might want to look for Creatures with the word "Destroy" in their abilities or you want to look for creatures with power greater than 2 and less than 7. To do that you would group the two power filters so that they will be considered together and then they can be compared with the String filter as a group instead of individually. There is no limit to the number of nested sets you can have. Boolean Filters: These filter on a given boolean field of the Card being either true or false. Instead of choosing True or False you actually choose the field to check and "Card is/has/can" or "Card is not/does not have/can't". So for example you could filter out tokens by saying "Card is not" "Token". Integer Filters: These filters function like standard math inequalities. You choose the field to compare on, the inequality operation to use (== [equals], >, >= <, <=, != [not equal]), and you choose the value to compare it to. So for example you could look for cards with a Converted Mana Cost < 4 to find cards with a casting cost 3 or less. String Filters: These filters use the standard string comparisons (Contains, Does Not Contain, Equal, and Not Equal) and function like a simple search. Though Advanced Filtering does allow you to filter on fields that the regular filtering does not allow (List of Registered Tokens, Artist, Expansion, Card XML). Enum Filters: These filters work on fields that use Enumerations instead of strings or integers and will only allow you to filter on members of that enumeration. For example you could select to filter on "Colour", "Is" "Multi-Coloured" to find all the multi-coloured cards, but you can't do "Colour", "Is", "Purple" because "Purple" is not a member of that enum. Power/Toughness Filters: You're probably wondering why these are separate from Integer Filters, the reason is Power and Toughness have a valid value that is not an Integer and treating it as an integer would simply be wrong. That value is "*" which in the world of Magic: the Gathering means that this value is variable and depends on what is written in the card's abilities. It could be something like Master of Etherium where its power and toughness are each equal to the number of artifacts you control or it could be like Maro where the power and toughness are each the number of cards in your hand. The point is "*" is not a fixed number and cannot be treated as such, but otherwise these filters work just like the Integer Filters. Note: Some of the advanced filters are somewhat slow and may take several seconds after being applied before the list will update. This is due to several factors including that many of the Advanced Filters need to use .Net Reflection to operate, they may work on fields that have a lot of information like Card XML, and/or they need to do special processing on a field's data before it do the necessary checks like Sub-Types. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tools: Custom Data Folder & Creating a Core Wad: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "Setup Custom Data Folder" option under the tools menu will create a placeholder wad directory inside the game directory. The created directory has all the standard directory structure for a standard "Core" mod fleshed out with an appropriate header file so that the game will recognize the contents of the directory once the user starts adding data. This allows the user to very easily manage both custom cards in the builder and test them in game without having to build a core wad each time to make sure the cards are updated. The directory created is always "DATA_DLC_DECK_BUILDER_CUSTOM", the user has no control over that. Creating a core wad from the custom data stored in the custom data folder can be done simply by using the "Create Core Wad from Custom Data" option in the tools menu. This takes all the data that the user has put into the custom data folder (excluding empty directories) and writes it to a compressed wad that the user chooses. So if a user doesn't want to use Gibbed Tools to make a core wad they can do so simply by using this option in the Deck Builder (does basically the same thing Gibbed Tools would do). The advantage this has over Gibbed Tools is that it does not need an "unpacked" directory and it will re-create the directory structure and header based on the filename being saved out rather than requiring the user to set them. For example the custom directory is DATA_DLC_DECK_BUILDER_CUSTOM and the user decides to save it out as Data_DLC_1000_Core.wad, the builder will take all the files (except HEADER.XML) from the custom directory and create a new wad with the root directory being DATA_DLC_1000_CORE and the header in the wad will be re-created to reflect this. NOTE: The deck builder still does not support building cards or any other files not related to building a deck. Other than a header XML the builder will not put anything in the custom data folder. This is NOT a substitute for manually building/placing cards and their images. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multi-Column Sorting: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Card, Main Deck, and Create from Existing Deck views you can sort on one or more columns. To sort on a single column simply click the header of that column, click again to reverse it. To sort on multiple columns click on the column header of the primary sort solumn, then hold "Shift" and click on the header of each subsequent column you want to sort by. You can reverse a sort on a column in multiple column sort mode by holding "Shift" and clicking that column's header. To remove a column from a multiple column sort hold "Control" (usually abreviated as CTRL on most keyboards) and click that column's header. Your current sort will be saved for Card and Create from Existing Deck views. They will also be restored when you go back to that view. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DotP 2014 has definitions for several deck strings including Deck tag (actual deck name), Deckname, Promos, Unlocks, and Description. Though I've only been able to find where the Deck tag is used in-game, I can't see anywhere in-game where the others are used so I have omitted them from the builder at this time. If someone can point out where they are used (maybe I'm just blind) then I'll be happy to add those fields into the builder. - When upgrading from or any previous version to v1.2.0.0 or later you will need to either delete your Settings.xml file, or manually go in and change the SortMode on the view columns from "Automatic" to "Programmatic" for the multiple column sorting to properly take effect. Previous sort settings will not carry over from older versions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planned Enhancements (in no particular order): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Considered Features (in no particular order): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Custom card tags and values (for example tags for Author and/or Version). * Dynamically adjust the HEADER.XML from DATA_DLC_DECK_BUILDER_CUSTOM when creating a core instead of trashing it and creating a new one. * Create an option to allow simple updating of a deck to a new Id Block. * Duplicate Card Filtering based on FILENAME, CARDNAME, or Card XML. * Allow for overriding the deck colour display in-game (will not remove auto- colour determination for deck/lands). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Issues: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Due to font the type line on the cards may not be completely visible in some languages for some cards. - For cards with a lot of text the program may not have enough room to draw on all the text. As such card with a lot of text may have it cut off at the bottom of the preview image. (This is most prevalent when looking at some of the planes.) - Special code has not been added for the display of Planes, Schemes, Phenomenon, or Planeswalkers so if any are added/present they will probably not display correctly. The game does not currently have actual support for any of these cards so I don't really expect much of a problem here. - As of initial release English is the only complete localization all other languages are only partially complete. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Why does this program take so long to start up? A. It takes a while because of all the data it is reading from the game directory to ensure that it is running with current information. The more wads that are present in the game directory then the longer it is going to take to load this program. Small wads load pretty quickly so having a lot of small deck wads is not usually a big problem. Q. Why do the Id Scheme fields show with a pink background? A. It is because you have either left the values at the defaults or you have set values that conflict with each other or with the defaults. If every- thing is good then the fields will display with a light green background for prefix type Id Schemes or will display with the same background colour as the other fields. Q. Why do the Id Scheme fields show with a green background? A. It means everything looks good for those fields. See above question for a more detailed answer. Q. Why does this builder not have ? A. This can be due to several reasons including (but not limited to): - I had not thought about that feature. - The feature is not really technically feasible at the moment. - I specifically disallow it due to one reason or another. - I haven't gotten around to putting it in. Q. Scrolling the card list is slow, why is that and how can I speed it up? A. The slowest part of scrolling the card list in the default configuration is the image casting cost column, the images have to be built before the list can display them and it takes a small amount of time to build it (not an issue with 1 card, but when you start talking about hundreds to thousands it can eat up a good amount of time). You can flip of the Image Casting Cost column and flip on the Text Casting Cost column (that will allow you to scroll faster). Q. Can I make a 40 card deck? A. No, the game will always add basic land until the deck reaches a total of 60 cards. This means if you put in 25 cards and leave room for 15 lands (basic or otherwise) the game will put in an additional 20 basic lands when you try and play it. The program will keep track of how many total basic lands the deck will have (noted by the "Basic Land" counter above the main deck) so that you know how much basic land the deck will have in game. Q. Can I make a deck with no basic land? A. Yes, you most certainly can make a deck with no basic land (we expect the game to have no problem with this as DotP 2013 had no problem with it). This program will also have no problems if you create a deck with no basic land. Q. Can I make a deck with more than 60 cards in it? A. Yes, you can make a deck with more than 60 cards, but it should be noted that if you make a deck with more than 60 cards you will need to manually add the appropriate amount of land to the deck. By default the builder will not show basic lands in the master card list, but you can show them by either allowing them in the filters window or by clearing all the filters (which will show all cards). Q. Can I make a deck that has more than 4 copies of a given card in it? A. Yes, the builder does not restrict how many of a specific card you put into a deck, so feel free to put in 10+ copies of Relentless Rats. You should be aware though that if the card does not state that you can have more than the standard number of copies in a deck, then you will be in violation of MtG constructed deck building rules if you put in more than 4 copies. Q. Why does the deck image show up as white box in the game? A. This is because you did not set/create it in the Deck Information. Q. Why do the AI Personality images show up as white boxes in game? A. See above answer. Q. Do I have to create an AI Personality? A. No, you can use one of the many that have already been created, but creating one for your deck is a nice touch. Q. Can I add my own music mixes to use for personalities? A. Yes, but this program can't really help you with that. All of the music goes into the Audio\Music directory under the main game directory and it needs to be in MP3 format. Once it is in the directory then you can choose it for your custom personalities, though if you distribute those personalities then you need to make sure you also include that music file as well (it will not be put into the WAD). Q. Do you expect this program to completely replace the way modders make decks? A. No, modders tend to be creatures of habit (as is human nature), unless they personally see value in changing their methods they are unlikely to change the way they make mods. Additionally this program does not do some things that regular modders might want, like allow for editing of cards, creating of cards, etc.... This program is intended mainly for non-modders and those who are looking to get into modding. Q. Is this builder bug free? A. Probably not. I hope it is free from major bugs as I put in a fairly decent amount of time testing it, but it is virtually impossible to make a bug free program. Q. I have a wad that has cards in it that are not being loaded by the builder, why is this happening? A. There are a few reasons this can happen including: - The card has a bad XML structure and has caused the loading of that card to error out. (Forgot to close a tag, typo, etc....) - The card either does not have all required tags or has an incorrect required attribute in one of the tags. - The wad it is in is not being loaded because it does not start with "DATA_DECKS_" or "DATA_DLC_" (which means it's also not read by the game). - That card hits a bug in my code. If this is the case please let me know. Q. Can I use this program to build cards? A. No, this is a deck builder, it is designed to build decks not cards. Q. Is it possible this could be modified to build cards as well as decks? A. Sure, but that is a huge amount of changes I'm not yet prepared to make. Even if those changes were made it would still have the same limitations of other card generators in that it would only be able to fully generate simple cards and more complex cards/abilities would have to be manually coded. Q. Why are there multiple cards with the same name and filename in the card listing? A. This is because the builder loads all cards from all wads, this means if a card is present in multiple wads it will show multiple times in the card listing. Q. I've saved a deck, why is it not showing in game? A. You have to "Export" a deck for it to show up properly in game. Q. I can't export because the menu option is grayed-out, what's wrong? A. The builder determined that it did not have write access to the game directory and therefore there is no point in trying to export because it will fail. You can try running the Deck Builder as Administrator to give it the permissions it needs to export. Q. When I export it gives me a message saying a Uid conflict has been detected, what does this mean? How can I stop this from happening? A. This means that based on the settings of the Id scheme it has found that the Id you chose for the deck (or one of the files that will be created) is already being used by another deck, unlock file, or land pool and this can cause problems in the game if you try to run the game while the conflict exists. This can be easily rectified by either going into Deck Information and clicking "Get Next Available Id" or by changing your Id Scheme settings to something more unique to you. By default the Id Scheme settings put the ids in the 1000 prefixed block, so you could decide you want to put your decks in the 9834 prefixed block or 2358 prefixed block. With about two billion possible uids it should be fairly easy to find some combination of settings that will be unique to you. Q. Will the builder create "independent" wads when it exports? A. No, it will not try to create an "independent" wad at this time as that would mean duplicating cards, images, and all function files from all wads that this one would be dependent on. This could be done, but I opted not to because this could lead to old and/or conflicting function files/cards being used which could make people believe there is something wrong with your mod. It is ultimately best to keep the number of duplicate cards to a minimum. Q. When exporting will it compress the images it creates? A. Yes, the builder will now compress the images it creates to DXT5 compressed TDX files. Q. I only speak one language, do I have to enter strings in all languages? A. No, the Deck Builder will try to auto-fill any blank strings with the English string. If possible you should always include an English string. Failure to include an English string could cause odd behavior such as generating a wad like: DATA_DECKS_100000_.wad and lacking names for strings for other missing languages. Q. I can sort the cards in the card listing and for the deck cards, why can't I sort the cards in the unlocks? A. The order in which cards appear in the deck is unimportant, but the order in which cards appear in the unlocks is important as it controls which unlockOrderId a card will get when exporting and can control when you get a card in game. For example if you have 10 promo unlock cards, but only 8 promo codes then you will only get 8 of the promo unlocks with the last two remaining locked. Q. I don't like the template images you use for building the deck box image and the AI Personality images, can I change them? A. Yes, you can, but there are a few things you need to be aware of: - The Overlay and Mask images MUST be the same dimensions to work properly. - The images must have the appropriate file names (case does not matter, at least in Windows). - The Mask does not properly support variable Alpha values. If you use variable alpha values then you will get part of the mask in the final image (which will be visible when building an image). - The Mask should use a colour that is not likely to be in any chosen user image as any pixel that is found using that colour will be made transparent. - The top left most pixel in the mask is what is used to determine the mask colour so it should always be of the colour you want to be transparent. - The initial resizing and positioning of chosen images is based on my templates so if you change them you will likely need to adjust the position and size when building images to match your templates. - If your template and mask images are not sized in Multiples of Four (MoF) then the images built from them may get stretched or shrunk to the closest MoF size. If I can't find a MoF size with a width 200 pixels in either direction I will resize to 512x512 and horribly stretch the image to fit. Q. Why did the deck builder generate an "Errors.log" file? A. This file is generated any time the program runs into any error that I don't consider a zero priority error. Sometimes looking at this file can give you extra information on certain things. For example you try to load a modder's deck that is supposed to have 36 non-basic-land cards in it, but it only loads 34 cards if you look at the error log you might see an entry that states that it "Can't find referenced card" for a deck which could indicate that the card is missing (for example a typo in the deck XML) or that there is a problem with the card (malformed XML, etc...). Q. The Deck Builder generated an error log, will this cause problems? A. In most cases, no, this will not cause a problem. Though if the error log is generated then you should look at the log to see what errors were encountered. If you see errors with "High" or "Critical" priorities then please report them to me because it means something really bad happened and I need to figure out what. If you see "Low" or "Medium" errors then that means something couldn't be loaded or there is something important that needs your attention (bad card XML, a serious UID conflict, couldn't find a card that was referenced by a deck or unlocks, etc...). Q. The readme for the Deck Builder is only in English why didn't you make one for each of the supported languages? A. Because I only truly understand English (and a little bit of Japanese) so I can't properly translate the readme to each of those languages. This is also why the other localizations of this program are only partial when I released this builder. Q. The error log is in English, but I've selected that the program run in , how can I change that? A. You can't, I purposely made the program so that the error log will always be in English as that is my native language and I am the developer. This way if someone is reporting a bug and I request the error log I will be able to understand what the log is telling me. Q. What if you disappear off the forums or stop developing this program? How will I get support or will bugs get fixed? A. I've released the full source code of this program so any programmer should be able to pick this up and examine the code, make bug fixes, updates, or even release their own version of this program. I only ask that credit be given where credit is due. Q. Will this work with all versions of Duels of the Planeswalkers? A. No, it only works for Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014. Each version of the game changes bits and pieces that are required for modding so if you want this for an older version of the game you're going to need to make the changes yourself. Though there is a version available for DotP 2013: http://mtg.dragonanime.org/index.php?title=DotP_2013:_Deck_Builder Q. There are some cards that just will not show up in the card list until I clear all the filters, why does this happen? A. Some cards like invisible tokens will not show in the list because they have no types. Q. I have an idea for a great new feature, how do I request it? A. The best way is to mention it in the release thread for utility. If I agree that it is a great idea then I'll likely add it to the list of planned improvements. Q. Can I use parts of your code in my own programs? A. Yes, give credit where credit is due and the program needs to be open-source and freely available. Q. Is Riiak Shi Nal your real name? A. No, but it is my preferred handle and it is highly unique. If you see a Riiak Shi Nal or Riiak elsewhere then likely that person is also me, but if you want to confirm it then ask me either via PM or E-Mail. Before I started using this handle many years ago I did a Google search on it and it came up with no results. Now though there are several thousand more results for "Riiak" and little more than a thousand for "Riiak Shi Nal". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits & Thanks (in no particular order): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Van Wassenhove - SortableBindingList & PropertyComparer http://www.timvw.be/2007/02/22/presenting-the-sortablebindinglistt/ Rick - Gibbed Tools & Source http://svn.gib.me/builds/duels/ thefiremind - Provided Italian localization. Vulasuw - Provided Portuguese-Brazil localization. sumomole - Provided the Chinese (Simplified & Traditional) localizations. Scion of Darkness - Provided shading layer and planeswalker symbol for the Deck Box template. http://www.slightlymagic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=109&t=10970 Microsoft - Visual Studio 2010 Wizards of the Coast - Magic: The Gathering & Duels of the Planeswalkers Huggybaby - Slightly Magic forums & for being a great admin/moderator. http://www.slightlymagic.net/forum/ kevlahnota, thefiremind, and all other modders - For providing lots of mods and overcoming many technical difficulties regarding modding the DotP games. Mythial - Beta testing for the 2013 version of this program. BloodReyvyn & drleg3nd - Reporting bugs they found in the 2013 & 2014 versions. Everyone else on the forums - For keeping the community alive and fun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change History: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - v1.4.0.0 - Added "Wad" column to the "Create from Existing Deck" window to make finding missing cards from unlocks easier and allowing people to easily identify which wad a deck belongs to. - Added ability to make a language "Masquerade" as another language. This allows for languages that the game does not support to have their own translations for the Deck Builder. For example Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) which has language code zh-TW to have a translation for Deck Builder, but use card/deck strings from zh-HK which are relatively close to be used for items that pull text from game resources like cards and Permanent Text files. - Removed even mipmap sizing as it has proven problematic in game for image sizes that do not evenly decay. The game expects each mipmap to have dimensions that are 1/2 of the previous mipmap in the chain with any decimals being truncated. This should only effect images that are imported into the Builder rather than built as the built images are already in sizes that evenly decay. - DataGridViews are now Double Buffered for a performance increase on some systems (I did not notice any performance increase on my system). Memory usage slightly increased as a result. This was reported by Springwight on the forums. - Added Cell validation for Quantity and Bias for Main deck and unlock lists to prevent the user from entering invalid data and causing an exception. - Added a read capability to the MessageLog class to support showing the log during run-time (implemented for popping up the error log after load if errors occurred). - Added Error Report Window to pop-up and do limited filtering on the error log if errors occurred during load. NOTE: English Interface Only. - Changed Cards DataGridView to Virtual mode for hopefully better performance. This entailed changes to most of the events for that DataGridView as well as adding an event to prevent Edit mode appearing as well as minor changes to other events (filtering buttons) to facilitate the change (as virtual mode only properly works if you don't set an actual data source for the control). - Will now attempt to first associate unlocks with decks inside the same WAD before trying to associate unlocks with any matching deck. This way if there is an override WAD that changes an already existing deck and unlocks you should be able to see the differences depending on which deck you try to create new from. - Will now attempt to merge unlocks of the same game type if more than one file exists for the same deck. This prevents unlock objects from over- writing each other when multiple are found for the same deck. For example if someone creates an override WAD to move Promo unlocks to the Regular unlock game type. - Made a change to loading of existing decks, now the Deck Builder does not preload the Deck Box Images for existing decks and instead only loads one when creating a new deck based off of an existing deck. This has no visual change to the user, but it reduces memory overhead and should reduce load time slightly. On my test setup this reduces memory usage by approximately 160 MB. - Added support for "Special" Rarity. - Added internal ability for outputing different order attributes to the WAD header to support additional special functions such as combining sub-types to allow mods that use custom sub-types to play well with each other. - Added loading of SPECS files for better sub-type support. - Added merging and exporting of merged SPEC data. This allows multiple mods to make their own custom sub-types and get the types merged into a single combined WAD that should override all of the other entries so they can operate properly together without conflicts. - Added ability to move cards between the main deck and unlocks. - Fixed Loading of localized strings for the Context Menus. - Added ability to create a Content Pack Enabler for any Id Block without having to export a deck or change Id Scheme settings. - Added several new strings to localizations to support added features. - v1.3.2.0 - Fixed language display in Options. Apparently .Net ComboBoxes don't like to reference public variables only public properties so I had to change how the data in LanguageEntry was exposed. - Fixed a couple of other spots where I forgot to change a couple of casts related to the new LanguageEntry object. - v1.3.1.0 - Changed how languages are added to the builder and used slightly so that full support for a language can be done more easily from now on. To add a language to the builder only two pieces are required now (no code changes are necessary now, Languages block is now obsolete): 1 - An entry in the Settings.xml file in the LanguageEntries block 2 - A Localization properly named with the language code in the Lang directory. - Added support for Chinese (Simplified and Traditional). Note that I can't do the actual translation work as I don't know Chinese. - v1.3.0.0 - Changed the Deck Availability back to Always Available now that we have confirmed that the problem only happens with content pack 0 and the Deck Builder now puts all the decks it creates into a content pack equal to the Id Block the user is using. - Dropped the opacity of the planeswalker symbol in the Deck Box Overlay by 20 points (now 50% opacity instead of 70%). - Fixed a couple of bugs with not localizing the export menu options on the context menus for the main window. - Added context menu option to export card XML. Note: Regardless of how the original file is stored it will save out the card XML as UTF-8 with BOM. - Added context menu options to export the cropped card image (the actual card image before any frames, boxes, or other processing is done) to either PNG or TDX format (if saving as TDX it should be an exact copy of what is stored). - Added 4 strings to localizations to support the new features. - v1.2.0.0 - Changed CardInfo class constructor to take in the actual filename of the card and store it for later checks. - Added ActualFilename to the CardInfo class, it is now possible to add this property to the card view columns, though I have not done so by default. - Added mismatched filename check to cards so the builder will now report when a card has a mismatched actual filename and FILENAME tag. - Fixed a rounding bug when calculating the closest MoF size. - Added a status bar with the total loaded cards and the cards currently in the card list (after filtering). - Changes to SortableBindingList to support sorting on multiple properties. Basically, I implemented IBindingListView for advanced sorting (not filtering). - Added the ability to sort on multiple columns (at least for those views in which it is possible to sort). - Moved AddViewColumn to Tools so I could use it on the Create from Existing Deck window. - Added 2 strings to localization files to support the new status strip at the bottom of the main window. - v1.1.0.0 - Changed default availability to locked due to DotP 2014 problem with lots of decks with always_available="true" set (probably within the same content pack). - Added WadHeaderInfo & WadHeaderContentFlags to store and handle the info for the header to create a new content_pack, assign the deck to it, and write all this information to the header to try and prevent a crash in the game. The content pack that will be generated is equal to the value you specified for the IdBlock (if you are using the IdBlock other- wise it will be equal to the DeckIdChange). - When exporting it will now generate a "Content Pack Enabler" for the current content pack (currently identical to the Id Block). - Couple of minor changes to Wad naming, now the created Wads/Directories will have "Data_DLC_" and "Data_Decks_" instead of "DATA_DLC_" and "DATA_DECKS_" simply because I think it looks slightly better this way. - v1.0.2.0 - Added creation of MipMap chain to the compression of TDX images (enabled by default). - Added Option of whether to generate MipMaps to the Options window. - Fixed a language display bug on the Basic Filters window (Multi-Coloured was not showing properly). - Added 1 string to localization files to support the new MipMap option. - v1.0.1.0 - Fixed a bug with the individual Id Change fields being editable with the use Id Block checkbox checked. - Fixed an enabled bug with Export Card Previews being enabled even when a card wasn't selected. - Changed how the image files names were stored to eliminate a problem if a mod has an image present with the same name as another image of a different type (different location) in the mod. - v1.0.0.0 - Initial release for DotP 2014 version. Changes from 2013 version: - Deck updated with new attributes. - AiPersonality updated with new tags. - AI Personality editing moved to new window (accessible from the Deck Information window). - ImageBuilder updated to allow adding an Alpha layer which will replace the built image's alpha layer (allows for smoother edges and required for the new Lobby images [Backplate]). - Changed method of loading TDX Images such that if there are multiple images with the same name in different directories the builder can now differentiate between them. - Removed all code for AppId Linking as DotP 2014 doesn't use it. - Removed Card Preview Image select from Deck Information as DotP 2014 does not use card preview images. Card Previews can still be generated from the main card list using the context menu. - Automatic generating of random land pool decks. The builder will create a land pool based on the colour(s) of the deck by picking 4 random land cards from the basic land pool for that colour and putting it into the land pool deck. In the case of a colourless deck it will generate a full random land pool deck with lands from all five colours. - Added settings for Basic Land Pools (no editing of land pool decks yet though). The new settings allow for the pool of basic lands from which the deck builder will automatically build land pool decks with to be changed. - Added additional location to search for images to support the new location for mana images. - Added IdBlock to the IdScheme settings, this allows for choosing IdScheme settings faster, and if it is set to use the IdBlock it will use this for determining the filename for the Core file when the user chooses to create one. Core will still use the DATA_DLC_ prefix as the default for creating a core wad. - Added settings for Default Unlock & Foil Ids for Steam, iOs, & Android. - Added support for the Miracle card frames. - Changed LanguageStrings to add a prefix to the language code for loading purposes. This allows for me to have different file names for different applications so I can host the language files directly from my Wiki. - Image templates updated to build images that match with the official Deck and Personality images. (They can still be changed as described in the FAQ above.) - Updated export to remove the Card Preview images and add the new AI Personality Lobby image. - Updated LoadMusic to pull from the new music directory and check them as MP3s instead of OGGs. - Changes to what files/directories are read in when loading data from the game directory. - Changed what name is given to Decks when exported. Now uses the DATA_DECKS_ prefix as DECK_ is no longer supported in DotP 2014. - Changed project name, and Guids so that it will truly be considered a separate project, in a separate assembly so that .Net won't simply consider it a different revision of the same program. - If using the IdBlock in the IdScheme settings then AI Personalities will now include the Block Id to make things even more unique (less chance of conflicts). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Information: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to contact me, you must be able to use English (bad or broken English is okay if I can figure out what you are trying to say). If you try to contact me with any other language I will not respond or even try to figure out what you are saying. For the most part I prefer to be contacted on the Slightly Magic forums where my handle is RiiakShiNal. I will however answer bug reports and program comments at this e-mail address (do NOT contact me for card or deck requests): Riiak (at) DragonAnime (dot) org Note: If you contact me via e-mail you MUST include a descriptive subject or I will immediately delete your e-mail. Preferrably you should prefix the subject with "MtG:", "DotP:", or "Deck Builder:".